Support Southwell Minster
Make a Regular Donation
The easiest way to give regularly is by setting up a Standing Order with your bank. This is an instruction to your bank to pay a regular set amount to Southwell Minster monthly, quarterly or annually. To set up a Standing Order, download the form below. You can also do it through online banking, using the details given in the form. You can of course amend or cancel this at any time.
Standing Order Giving is of great importance as it gives us the added benefit of knowing that we can rely on a regular and consistent income, making our budget planning much more straightforward. We are hugely grateful to the many people who already give by this means.
Leave a Legacy
Southwell Minster is a resource available to everyone, for all time. Our aim is to ensure that this special place remains open and relevant for future generations. We simply couldn’t achieve this without the generosity of donors. Every legacy we receive, however large or small, makes a valuable contribution to all that we do.
If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will, please contact Ruth Massey who will be happy to help. All queries will be treated in the strictest confidence.