The Church of England has commissioned SCIE (the Social Care Institute for Excellence) to undertake an audit of the safeguarding provision of all of the Dioceses and Cathedrals in England.
As part of this process, Southwell Cathedral was visited by SCIE to audit its safeguarding provision during September 2021. The report from the Audit was published on 22 November 2021.
The Chapter of Southwell Cathedral welcomed the SCIE report and noted the auditors’ comment that: “Arrangements for keeping safe the Minster and associated buildings and those working in and visiting them are generally good. Staff, volunteers and congregants are confident that they are kept safe”. Chapter has accepted the findings in full and will be using the report to inform its developing plans for safeguarding, and will ensure that the findings will be implemented in full, working closely with the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham and other agencies.
To read the full report, please see below.
Our SCIE Audit Action Plan can be seen below.
Our Safeguarding Procedure can be seen below.