Spiritual Resources

Pastoral Care

The Minster is the ancient Parish Church of the town of Southwell and also serves the wider Diocese. The worshiping community is therefore diverse and geographically widespread and not everyone who worships or visits will be aware that pastoral care is available. More information about the types of pastoral care available can be found on the Pastoral Care page.

The Theology Group

7.30pm to 9pm in the AV Room, Minster Centre during term time.

This group meets on alternate Tuesday evenings in term-time and is led by Alison Millbank. The group decide what they want to study. Recent books include:

  • Julian of Norwich Revelations of Divine Love
  • Rowan Williams On Being Human
  • Tom Wright Luke for Everyone

Alison Milbank is Professor of Theology and Literature at the University of Nottingham and Canon Theologian at Southwell Minster. She works on many aspects of the relation of faith and the arts from Dante to Harry Potter, with a particular expertise in Gothic and horror fiction. She is currently writing on divine indwelling and the agency of nature in natural philosophy, poetry and art and a sequel to For the Parish, which she co-wrote with Andrew Davison in 2010: The Once and Future Parish.

To book a place please email: Alison.Milbank@nottingham.ac.uk

The Walter Hilton Way –  A one day pilgrimage

Thurgarton to Southwell. This 5 mile pilgrimage across the lovely, quiet fields of a hidden part of Nottinghamshire follows in the footsteps of the fourteenth-century spiritual writer, Walter Hilton who lived as an Augustinian Canon at the Priory. Find out more about Walter Hilton and the route in detail on the British Pilgrimage Trust website.