shipping costs for order #130325


SKU: N/A Category:


This is an exclusive price list for an individual order

We use Royal Mail to ship all of our orders


If you wish to place an order and have it shipped internationally:

  • Please complete the order for the items you have chosen.
  • When we receive your order we will package it up and take it to the Royal Mail Post Office to be weighed and get a quote for shipping options to your Country.
  • We will then create a price list showing your options. (this exclusive price list will match your original order number)
  • Select one of those options and complete payment for international shipping.
  • When we receive your shipping costs payment we will pay Royal Mail and your package will be shipped.

(These prices are for shipping costs only, we don’t charge extra for packaging or make any profit from this transaction)

Additional information

Shipping options:

Standard, Tracked, Tracked and Signed for