Visiting Choirs

We warmly welcome choirs to sing services during the Cathedral Choir’s breaks. Southwell is a beautiful town, and the Minster is a delight in which to sing – most choirs who have come here book in for a return trip. If your choir is experienced in singing liturgical music, and especially used to Cathedral visits, then why not consider coming to Southwell? We value the chance to continue our rich tradition of choral worship when the Cathedral Choir is not in residence, and aim to be friendly and approachable.

To apply, please have a look at our available dates further down this page, then fill in the Visit Request Form below. If you have any questions about coming to Southwell as a visiting choir, please contact Alastair Clarke, Liturgy and Music Administrator, at

Here are the dates that are currently available for visiting choirs to book. In addition to this list, it is possible to sing Evensong on most Wednesday afternoons in term-time, as this is usually the Cathedral Music Department’s day off.



Tuesday 18 to Friday 21 February

Monday 7 to Saturday 12 April

Tuesday 22 to Friday 25 April

Saturday 24 May

Tuesday 27 May to Saturday 31 May

Monday 14 July to Wednesday 18 July

Friday 20 July

Monday 28 July to Friday 1 August

Monday 4 to Tuesday 5 August

Monday 18 to Wednesday 20 August

Tuesday 26 to Sunday 31 August

Saturday 18 October

Monday 20 to Friday 24 October

Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 October

Friday 26 to Sunday 28 December   §

Monday 29 to Wednesday 31 December   §



Thursday 1 to Sunday 4 January

Monday 16 to Sunday 22 February

Saturday 21 March

Tuesday 7 to Friday 10 April

Monday 13 to Sunday 19 April

Tuesday 26 to Sunday 31 May

Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 July

Monday 27 July to Sunday 2 August*

Monday 3 to Sunday 9 August*

Monday 10 to Sunday 16 August*

Monday 17 to Sunday 23 August*

Monday 24 to Wednesday 26 August

Tuesday 1 & Wednesday 2 September

Monday 19 to Friday 23 October

Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 October

Saturday 26 to Sunday 27 December    §

Monday 28 December to Sunday 3 January 2027    §



Monday 15 to Sunday 21 February

Tuesday 31 March to Sunday 4 April

Monday 5 April to Sunday 11 April

Tuesday 1 to Sunday 6 June

Monday 19 July to Sunday 25 July*

Monday 26 July to Sunday 1 August*

Monday 2 to Sunday 8 August*

Monday 9 to Sunday 15 August*

Monday 16 to Sunday 22 August*

Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 August


* For the summer periods during 2026 & 2027 we would currently be looking to give priority to choirs who would like to come for a period longer than just a weekend.

If the visit happens to fall on the second Sunday of the month, then visiting choir may be asked to sing a BCP Sung Eucharist at 11.15am, instead of the 10am Cathedral Eucharist. 

§ Evensong during the week after Christmas would be at the revised time of 3.30pm.