Thursday 17 April at 7:30pm
The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
The first of the three services of the ‘Sacred Triduum’ (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Liturgy), which take us deep into the mystery of Holy Week.
Following a joyful commemoration of the Last Supper, with the washing of feet recalling Jesus doing the same for his disciples, the mood then changes with the dramatic stripping of the altars. The service ends with Watch, waiting with Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. For those who wish to stay, the Watch continues until 10.00pm.
Watch this service live-streamed online
Please do join in at home as you are comfortably able: you may wish to stand, sit and kneel as you normally would in church (we have included instructions for posture in the order of service for this reason), and/or to speak and sing along with the congregational elements of the service.
A live streaming of this service from the Minster will appear below at 7pm. You do not need to sign in to watch it.
A recording of this service will remain available for viewing for one week.
Event Details
- Date: –
- Venue: Minster & live-streamed online