Cathedral Eucharist
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
LIVE-STREAMED: Meeting at Our Lady of Victories, we walk in procession to the Minster to hear the Passion Gospel sung in dramatic form.
LIVE-STREAMED: Solemn music and readings as we begin our journey through Holy Week.
LIVE-STREAMED: Following a joyful commemoration of the Last Supper, the mood then changes with the dramatic stripping of the altars. The service ends with Watch.
LIVE-STREAMED: The culmination of the Three Hours’ devotion, a profoundly moving service of music, readings, prayer, and silence.
LIVE-STREAMED: The lighting of the Easter fire, the proclamation of Easter, the renewal of baptismal vows, and a joyful celebration of Holy Communion.
LIVE-STREAMED: Our principal Eucharist for Easter Day, with joyful music, and the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham’s Easter sermon.
We gather to hear Easter readings and music, giving voice to the joy of the Resurrection.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
Attend in person or watch a live-streaming of this service from the Minster.
This service will be live-streamed from the Minster. If you wish to attend in person, there is no need to book a place.