The Minster Girls’ Choir
The Minster Girls' Choir was formed in 2005 and is currently directed by the Cathedral's Assistant Director of Music, Jonathan Allsopp. The girls perform a wide repertoire of choral music, ranging from the 11th Century to works composed specifically for the Girls' Choir, via some lighter pieces such as Chilcott's Little Jazz Mass. The girls also regularly sing with the Cathedral's Lay Clerks, and occasionally with the Cathedral Choristers. The choir rehearse twice-weekly and sing Evensong on Mondays and occasional Sunday services. In recent years the choir has released a recording, toured to Norway and Holland, sung in Coventry and Lincoln Cathedrals, and enjoyed workshops with Eamonn Dougan (associate conductor of The Sixteen) and Hilary Jones (nationally-renowned singing teacher).
The choir rehearses on Mondays and Thursdays, and sings Evensong on Mondays with occasional duties on Sundays. Recent extra performances have included a concert for the centenary of Benjamin Britten's birth, special services for the incoming and outgoing Lords-Lieutenant, and the annual St Cecilia Concert, most recently featuring the City of London Sinfonia.
Members of the Girls' Choir are drawn exclusively from the Minster School, a short walk from the Minster, where some of the rehearsals take place. Girls can join at any age once at the school, but usually begin at year 7 and progress through to year 13.
There is currently space for new members in the choir. We welcome girls with a love of singing who are keen to learn and work as a team, gaining a musical education along the way.
Please contact Jonathan Allsopp for further information on joining the choir. Enquiries concerning girls in year 6 who will be moving to the Minster School the following September, as well as girls who currently attend the Minster School are welcomed.
Here's a leaflet giving more information about the Girls' Choir.