C. S. Lewis Lecture 1: Communicating faith through stories

A series of four lectures at Southwell Minster to mark 125 years since his birth.

Communicating faith through stories: Reflections on C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia
Professor Alister McGrath

Sunday 21 May at 4.30pm (after Evensong) in the Nave

C. S. Lewis as Poet
Rev’d Malcolm Guite

Sunday 11 June at 4.30pm (after Evensong) in The State Chamber

The Depth of Words: C. S. Lewis’s Language, Faith and Fiction
Dr Jem Bloomfield

Sunday 16 July at 4.30pm (after Evensong) in The State Chamber

Silent Planet? Lewis’s Eco-theology
Rev’d Canon Professor Alison Grant Milbank

Sunday 17 September at 4.30pm (after Evensong) in The State Chamber

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Nave