Epiphany Letter from the Dean

The Revd Canon Dr Neil Evans

What a remarkable Christmas we have had at the Cathedral! I gather from many people that numbers attending services and concerts over the Christmas period have continued to rise, and we have been delighted to welcome guests and visitors from across the County and beyond. Beautiful music, excellent liturgy and worship, lovely Minster wonderfully decorated, and a warm welcome; of course people are going to come! Thank you to everyone who played a part.

Residentiary Canons

On the Feast of the Epiphany we formally welcomed Amanda Lees as Canon Missioner and Stephen Hippisley-Cox as Canon Pastor. At a joyful Festival Eucharist they were duly Collated and Installed, joined by family and friends. Then on Tuesday the hard work began! Stephen and Amanda will each be working at the Cathedral half time, alongside other duties and responsibilities.

Canon Pastor

Stephen’s role will be predominantly inward facing, focusing on the pastoral care and discipleship of the Minster Community. He will be working closely with Erika Kirk and the Cathedral ministry team, and the various groups and individuals who have a care of the life of the Minster. Stephen will be chairing a new Volunteers forum which is currently taking shape, and is keen to get to know, and work with, the wonderful group of volunteers who work so hard in so many aspects of our shared life.

Stephen’s principal working days at the Cathedral will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. He can be contacted at stephen.hippisley-cox@southwellminster.org.uk. He will be taking as full a part in the life and worship of the Minster as time allows, aiming to be with us for two Sundays each month.

Canon Missioner

As the Cathedral Church of the Diocese, Southwell Minster is the mother church of Southwell and Nottingham and the seat of the Bishop. As Canon Missioner, Amanda’s ministry will be predominantly outward focused. She will be working closely with the wide variety of missional groups engaging with justice and peace, the environment as well as Churches Together in Southwell, and other national and local organisations with which we have contact. Amanda will also be further developing our links and profile with the Town, the County and Diocese. She is also the Chapter Safeguarding lead, working closely with Penny Turner and Vicky Thorpe.

Amanda’s principal working days at the Cathedral will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. She can be contacted at amanda.lees@southwellminster.org.uk. As with Stephen, she will be taking as full a part in the life and worship of the Minster as time allows, aiming to be with us for two Sundays each month.

We welcome them!

Volunteers Forum

As mentioned above, we are setting up a forum to represent our incredible number and range of volunteers at the Cathedral. We are so fortunate to have the great range and committed number of people who give of their time, wisdom and experience to Southwell Minster. The Canon Pastor will be chairing this group, working closely with Sarah Clemson, staff leads and group coordinators. More information on how this will work will emerge shortly, but we are looking at a small manageable group to represent the views and wisdom of volunteers.


Plans are progressing with a fundraising strategy. There will be two principal areas we will be focusing on in fundraising:

  • Support for music. Music is central to our life at the Cathedral. The Minster choirs are at the heart of our mission and ministry. We are developing a vision for how we can financially support our music in the long term. We are also considering ways to develop our offering further for the benefit of our wider community.
  • Property and buildings. As we move forward with a full review of all our property, we will be needing to raise funds to securely establish our property portfolio, including the Cathedral itself, for the future.

Additionally, we are looking towards reviewing our regular giving with a Stewardship initiative in the Spring.

I am delighted to say that the Light up the Minster initiative over Christmas raised a very healthy £5,600. Huge thanks to all who contributed to this.

New Vestments

Many of you will be aware that we are very fortunate to have a complete set of new vestments, made by our Needlework Guild. These were a gift to the Cathedral by the Guild and the Friends of Southwell Minster (with no cost to the Minster). The vestments are Rose Pink and are designed to be worn on Refreshment Sundays in Advent and Lent. They are beautiful! Huge thanks to all those who put time and skills into producing them and to the Friends for funding them. Their next outing will be Mothering Sunday.

We have a packed programme ahead this year; copies of the Spring edition of ‘What’s On’ will shortly be available. A very Happy New Year, one and all.

Epiphany blessings,


Neil Evans

14 January 2025